Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Clean" by Alejandro Junger~WIN IT!

Two days ago, I started reading "Clean" by Alejandro Junger. I'm completely amazed at the information within the pages of this book and I'm not even half way through yet. I began reading this book with the thought in mind that I wanted to cleanse without spending hundreds of dollars on a cleansing program. Now, some of you may be able to afford to do that, and there are great programs available to do so…however, I don't have the luxury of spending $250 for 30 days right now.

What I didn't realize, is that I would be educated with all kinds of other information outlining why we are toxic and why we have the need to cleanse. WHOA! For instance, ketoacidosis is potentially fatal, yet I've participate in a few diet plans over the years that promote it. The hcg diet was my most recent adventure where ketoacidosis is encouraged. Adkins diet as well. Apparently, we're playing russian roulette when we decide to follow these kinds of plans. That's just ONE thing I found very fascinating in this book.

So, while I'm enthralled, I thought it would be a great opportunity to give one of these books away. My goal is to get 100 people joining the challenge, when we reach 100, I will give away via, "Clean" by Alejandro Junger. That means I need YOU to suggest our group to your friends! Share on facebook or twitter!

For those of you who have joined our Facebook Group I want you to share our page with your friends on your facebook page. Each person that does this will be entered twice to win "Clean." There are instructions on the page today for what to say and how to make sure you are entered!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

30 Day Challenge Prize #1

On December 21, 2011, all 30 day challenge participants are encouraged to submit their stories, overview of their last 30 day progress, and a before and after photo (if you prefer). The winner will be chosen by the community via votes, so your story either needs to be posted on the Forum Page or on the Facebook Page or via a link to your blog which you can submit to me via email and I will link on the Challenge blog page (

What do you win? Jillian Michaels' book "Master Your Metabolism" and her cookbook "Master Your Metabolism Cookbook." Winner will be announced by December 23.

Who's IN?

Prizes and Challenge Details

Good morning Healthy Mind/Body Challengers! WHO WANTS TO WIN FREE STUFF?

Part of the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge is inspiring others by sharing our journey. There will be PRIZES awarded during our 8 month Challenge to those people who document, share, inspire, and make amazing transformations.

Our first 30 day challenge begins the 21st of November, that's less than a week away. Maybe that's the day you start changing some eating habits, or increase workouts, or find a favorite inspirational book. Whatever it is, Monday is the day we begin this journey together. Baby steps toward long-lasting results. After all, life IS meant to be LIVED. We aren't living it if we are hiding within ourselves, dying to get out and be who we were created to be.

For those of you that hope to lose some weight and change your thinking about who you are and the process of transformation (me), take before pictures of yourselves. Store them on your computer, or email them to me with your starting story. At the end of 30 days, I want to have your thoughts of where you started and your thoughts at the end of 30 days. Let's all write our thoughts down together! Maybe you start a blog, maybe you keep a file on your computer, maybe you write in a journal. Start documenting what's going on in your head and with your body, so that in 30 days you can see where you have come from. I will be doing the same thing!

Don't forget to register on the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge boards HERE . Registration is free, this is a community visible only to members. So if you go to the boards without registering, you aren't going to see anything there until you register. Not to worry, I don't have a record of emails and passwords, this is just a place where we can communicate and discuss since Facebook took away Discussion boards on their pages. (BOO FACEBOOK)

On the boards, there is a spot to introduce yourself. You can use your name or whatever screen name you like (allows some anonymity if you prefer). There is a spot to link to your blog, which I have done as well. Feel free to message me with things you'd like to discuss if there's a thread you can't create, I am happy to create it for you.

What we all need to do before Monday:

1. Take before photos if your goal is weight loss or a body transformation of some kind. Make sure you take your pics with your local newspaper or evidence of date (we want to be fair when awarding prizes).

2. Get a journal started, write down how you feel about yourself. Write down what you'd like to change, what your goal is at the end of 8 months and the end of 30 days. It could be "lose 60 pounds in 8 months" or "lose 5 pounds in 30 days, workout 4 days a week, start running," etc.

3. Create a blog (if you desire)

4. Share this challenge with all of your friends. The more community we have, the better we will succeed and motivate each other. We are a TEAM! We will succeed as a TEAM!

We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something Sandra Day O'Connor

I will try my very best to post on this page daily, we will be traveling starting the 20th, so I may or may not be able to get to the computer. But…..

Each day, I will post a motivational quote and any links or anything I find relevant for helping myself or others on this journey. I would love you to comment at the bottom of this blog, on the Facebook wall, or the forum page if you have something great to share as well. If you aren't "into" forums, feel free to email me your blog link or post it on the Facebook wall and I will link to your blog or share it on this page.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is The Healthy Mind/Body Challenge?

I recently started a blog about my journey toward changing many things about myself inside and out. It's primarily weight loss centered, but part of the journey is learning to fix the struggles within my mind. I look back at all of my attempts to get this right, and the time when I flourished the most was when I was not only motivated by others' journeys but was able to motivate people with my own. That's the purpose of the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge. To build a community of people who are looking to better their minds, their bodies, or both. A place where we can share stories, struggles, and support each other through our journey.

What is the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge?

Not only is it what I described above, but it's an actual challenge where each person sets their own goals and we share our successes by challenge end dates. The overall challenge will begin as immediately as you'd like it to begin, however, I would like to try to get some kind of prize for the biggest transformation. Those transformations may be physical, they may be mental, or they may be both.

Some of you may have various struggles. Maybe you are overweight or obese and you struggle not only with the physical part of the journey, but you struggle with the mindset that got you there (me). Maybe you struggle with issues in your mind that lead you to desire to be anorexic or bulimic. Maybe your struggle isn't with weight at all, but with self-worth issues. Maybe no matter what you struggle with who you see in the mirror. Whatever issue you may have, I invite you to be a part of this community and share your story.

The first challenge end date is July 3, 2012. This will signify Mind/Body freedom day. A day when we will look back on 8 months of life transformations. There will be 30 day mini challenges we will celebrate along the way, sharing our stories with each other. Our first mini challenge date will be December 21, 2011. That's right, let's NOT wait for the Holiday's to be over so that we can continue to justify "tomorrow." Let's start the 21 of November!

What I want you to do: take a photo of yourself now, with your local newspaper showing the date. Write a little bit about your journey. Discussion board OR you can email it to me if you don't feel like sharing your pictures or story on Facebook. Email me at If you aren't comfortable sharing your photo with me, save it until you've made some progress, but please at least share your story either with our page or with me via email.

I will post helpful hints, links to my journey's blog, recipes, my favorite links, and all kinds of things on this page. They will be linked to Facebook as well, so you will be sure to get the updates. Please share with me your ideas, tips, etc on our Facebook page as well. This is a community effort, we motivate each other!

WELCOME to the Mind/Body Challenge!!!