Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is The Healthy Mind/Body Challenge?

I recently started a blog about my journey toward changing many things about myself inside and out. It's primarily weight loss centered, but part of the journey is learning to fix the struggles within my mind. I look back at all of my attempts to get this right, and the time when I flourished the most was when I was not only motivated by others' journeys but was able to motivate people with my own. That's the purpose of the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge. To build a community of people who are looking to better their minds, their bodies, or both. A place where we can share stories, struggles, and support each other through our journey.

What is the Healthy Mind/Body Challenge?

Not only is it what I described above, but it's an actual challenge where each person sets their own goals and we share our successes by challenge end dates. The overall challenge will begin as immediately as you'd like it to begin, however, I would like to try to get some kind of prize for the biggest transformation. Those transformations may be physical, they may be mental, or they may be both.

Some of you may have various struggles. Maybe you are overweight or obese and you struggle not only with the physical part of the journey, but you struggle with the mindset that got you there (me). Maybe you struggle with issues in your mind that lead you to desire to be anorexic or bulimic. Maybe your struggle isn't with weight at all, but with self-worth issues. Maybe no matter what you struggle with who you see in the mirror. Whatever issue you may have, I invite you to be a part of this community and share your story.

The first challenge end date is July 3, 2012. This will signify Mind/Body freedom day. A day when we will look back on 8 months of life transformations. There will be 30 day mini challenges we will celebrate along the way, sharing our stories with each other. Our first mini challenge date will be December 21, 2011. That's right, let's NOT wait for the Holiday's to be over so that we can continue to justify "tomorrow." Let's start the 21 of November!

What I want you to do: take a photo of yourself now, with your local newspaper showing the date. Write a little bit about your journey. Discussion board OR you can email it to me if you don't feel like sharing your pictures or story on Facebook. Email me at If you aren't comfortable sharing your photo with me, save it until you've made some progress, but please at least share your story either with our page or with me via email.

I will post helpful hints, links to my journey's blog, recipes, my favorite links, and all kinds of things on this page. They will be linked to Facebook as well, so you will be sure to get the updates. Please share with me your ideas, tips, etc on our Facebook page as well. This is a community effort, we motivate each other!

WELCOME to the Mind/Body Challenge!!!

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